Beautiful Bombay Duck


Father’s day this year coincided with another rather special occasion: the relaunch of my parents’ boat, Bombay Duck, after six months of painstaking work to restore her to her former glory.

The actual launch happened on Saturday, but yesterday we made our way over to meet them at the Salcombe estuary for the inaugural trip to celebrate her restoration.

Arthur was a little bit sceptical at first: he’s been on bigger boats before, but this was his first boat trip where I think he was really aware of what was going on and he found it all a bit peculiar.


He soon got into the swing of things though: testing out the whistle on his life jacket, finding out what all the wheels and buttons did, and generally having a pretty awesome time.

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We’d brought Leigh’s fishing kit with us – last year’s birthday present that with everything else that’s been going on hadn’t yet made it out of the house! We didn’t actually catch any fish, but it was good to finally get it out and in the water – and Arthur certainly seemed interested in what daddy was up to…



It was lovely to get to hang out on the water – such a gorgeous afternoon, perfect to fill with family, fun and fresh air. The fresh air did eventually take its toll though, and as we began to head back Arthur started to get very sleepy and just a little bit fractious. Nothing that the sling couldn’t solve of course!

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Once the boat was all moored up we made our way back through the woodland, Arthur dozing and the rest of us full of excitement about the watery adventures the summer will hold aboard beautiful Bombay Duck.



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19 thoughts on “Beautiful Bombay Duck

  1. Dean B

    The boat looks amazing! 🙂 Your little one looked a bit worried on the first photo, but obviously had so much fun later on. #WhatsTheStory.

  2. Charly Dove

    Oh wow Sophie what a treat for everyone. Must have been great to get the Bombay Duck on the water, looks like such a wonderful boat. Sounds like everyone had a great time too, you’ve captured some fabulous moments. Great to see Arthur enjoyed the boat and watching Daddy fish! Thanks for sharing with #whatsthestory x

  3. Notmyyearoff

    Your boat is beautiful and it looks like you picked a very nice day to relaunch it. When I clicked on it I thought it was a post about the Bombay Duck fish and I was getting ready to write a comment along the lines of how I really don’t like it but my dad absolutely loves it! 🙂

  4. Pingback: Fireworks on the water | Sophie is…

  5. Amelia Hodgetts

    … SO Brilliant to see The Beautiful Bombay Duck living on, with her name unchanged. My Grandfather had his vision created for him and his family to use. In his day he used to take her across to France!!!… He feigned engine failure once outside the Salcombe Estuary and had the Royal Yatch with the Queen on board slow right down to “feel her way past her”… hence to say my Granfather was a character!! May The Fabulous Duck live on for many, many more years creating fantastic family holidays and awesome memories.

    1. sophieblovett Post author

      Thank you so much for your comment – that’s amazing to hear! My parents have completely fallen in love with Bombay Duck, and were fascinated to hear about your grandfather. We will most definitely make sure his boat has many more adventures 🙂


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